Where to Watch The Voice of the Philippines Finale Live?
Tonight is the grand finale of the best reality television singing competition on ABS-CBN The Voice of the Philippines. Few hours to go before the show, I know like me many are waiting to watch the grand finale of the show specially to our fellow Filipinos around the world.
I would like to share a list of channel on Where to Watch The Voice of the Philippines Finale Live. My purpose is for the overseas Filipino workers around the world who are waiting to watch the the finale of The Voice Ph. Here is the respective channel for the different country wherein you can Watch The Voice of the Philippines Finale Live.
Country Broadcaster
Indonesia Indovision channel 358
USA DirectTV channel 2060
Japan SKY Perfect TV! channel 787
Canada Rogers cable channel 871, Telus channel 513
Guam MCV Broadband channel 22
Hong Kong Cable TV Hong Kong channel 150
Singapore StarHub TV channel 144
Malaysia ABNXcess channel 734
Canada Bell Fibe TV channel 859
Taiwan CHT MOD channel 121
So far that's all on my list. for the local viewers you can watch The Voice of the Philippines Finale Live later 8:00 Pm at ABS-CBN and I think the will having an online live streaming @thevoice.abs-cbn.com.
Where to Watch The Voice of the Philippines Finale Live?
Reviewed by Superheatsink
4:13:00 AM