Amy Perez Leaves TV5 'due to personal reasons?'

According to the statement "TV5 management and Ms. Amy Perez have mutually agreed to part ways. TV5 respects the decision of Ms. Amy Perez to leave the network due to personal reasons.
She had been a valuable talent of TV5 and we wish her well and the best of luck in her future endeavors."
Amy Perez is still in silent about her leaving in the said network. Many are asking about that "Personal Reasons" which prompted Amy to not renew her contract with TV5.
There are some speculation involving why Amy Perez leave TV5, It said that becuase of the ugly treatment to her production staff of the network so she decided to leave the kapatid network.
Its just an speculation so we can't judge TV5 yet. For any conclusions please a a comment below.
Amy Perez Leaves TV5 'due to personal reasons?'
Reviewed by Superheatsink
6:36:00 PM